Esmeralda has spent her working life in Customer Service and Sales. Esmeralda co-founded Great Way Martial Arts with her Partner and Husband Sifu James in 1993.
It is her passion for the benefits of Martial Arts impact on all people and families that is served at Great Way.
- Esmeralda has a wonderful sense of humour and loves to chat and “catch up” with all of the students and families.
- Esmeralda is dedicated and focused on making sure that everyone always has a positive experience at Great Way.
- Esmeralda has been instrumental in many aspects of Great Way’s growth including being BC Government accreditation for teaching children with Autism as well as supporting families getting subsidies through Jump Start Canada.
- Esmeralda is a wife and mother of three who are all trained in the Martial Arts and have achieved their Junior Black Belts.